IPL Treatment for Dry Eyes by Lumenis

Have you ever heard of IPL treatment? It stands for Intense Pulse Light. Intense Pulsed Light works for many conditions. It is now offered as both a dry eye treatment and meibomian gland dysfunction treatment.

Dry eye disease is a common eye disorder that causes dry, burning, red eyes and fluctuating vision. Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) is the leading cause of dry eye disease, and plays a role in about 86% of cases.

A recent FDA trial showed that Lumenis IPL with patented Optimal Pulse Technology (OPTĀ®) significantly improved tear breakup time, meibum quality, and meibomian gland expressibility.

I recently traveled to Seattle to have the IPL treatment done on myself by the one and only, Dr. Periman (AKA Dry Eye Master). Let’s talk about my experience!

What is IPL Treatment?

OptiLight is a new in-office Intense Pulsed Light therapy developed for the managing dry eye disease. It’s the first and only IPL FDA approved (April 2021) for dry eye management. People have used IPL (intense pulsed light) commonly for facial rejuvenation and photo facials, but doctors discovered this type of light-based therapy works for dry eye management too.

Lumenis IPL Treatment

How does IPL work?

OptiLight is an IPL light-based therapy. It treats inflammation caused by dry eye syndrome, restores the meibomian glands, and improves the tear layer.

IPL works by closing off the blood vessels around your eye (making your skin look fantastic!). This stops pro inflammatory cells from leaching out from those vessels allowing your meibomian glands to start healing nd produce better quality oils . This treatment also melts the solidified oils in your glands, allowing you to express those oils and produce healthy oils again.

In addition, the light can also kill off the microorganisms around the eyes, helping with issues such as blepharitis. Some studies even suggest that IPL may also reduce inflammatory and neurogenic pain!

Does IPL hurt?

The light used for this treatment is intense. Even though I’ve heard it described as a gentle discomfort, I personally thought it hurt.

I compared it to someone snapping a rubber band on your skin. It really does sting!

Even with this discomfort though, it was worth it. The treatment immediately improved my dry eye symptoms, my contacts lenses felt more comfortable, and my skin looked fantastic, almost glowing.

IPL Treatment Results

How can I get IPL treatment?

If you are considering IPL treatment for your fry eyes then it is important to follow up with a dry eye specialist in either optometry or ophthalmology that is offering IPL Intense Pulsed Light treatment.

IPL is done in 4 sessions spaced 2-4 weeks apart, with maintenance doses every year or as needed. I would expect each session to cost around $400-700 per treatment. Certainly shop around for some package deals and competitive pricing.

If you’re interested in IPL treatment, use the links below to ind a dry eye specialist near you. Not all doctors will have this treatment option available, so it’s important to do your research to see where it’s available!

Find a dry eye specialist here:

Important: Other forms of ocular surface disease can complicate dry eye syndrome. It is always best to consult with your local eye care professional if you are experiencing any eye pain or vision changes.

Disclaimer: This information is not meant for medical diagnosis or treatment. You should follow up with your local healthcare provider regarding all matters related to your health.

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