My Natural Dry Eye Home Treatment Routine

Looking for natural dry eye treatments? Many people try to avoid using medications, and dry eye disease often requires medicated eye drops or medical procedures to treat it. Thankfully, natural dry eye treatments for dry eye do exist! While they may not fully cure dry eye, they can help reduce dry eye symptoms and prevent flare ups.

I personally try not to use medications or eye drops which makes me more aggressive with my natural home therapy. If you are struggling with your dry eyes, hopefully my own routine will help you out.

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At night, our bodies are processing a lot for our organs and muscles, and because of that, it uses a lot of water. For this reason, it’s great to grab a glass of water right when you wake up (yes, even before the coffee!) I personally like to drink 1-2 glasses right away.

Warm Compress

A natural dry eye treatment that I like to start with in the morning is a warm compress which allows we to keep my eyes open so that I can complete my morning routine. The one I use and recommend is the TearRestore. It allows me to quickly get ready for work while also helping to manage my dry eye symptoms.

The TearRestore (Use “DoctorEyeHealth” to save 20%):

Eyelid Massage and Eyelid Hygiene

After an eyelid warm compress, many eye doctors recommend doing an eyelid massage to encourage the oil glands to release the now melted oils. I use the Nulids Dry Eye Device to help clean my eyelids and massage my oil glands

Cleaning the eyelids is an important part of dry eye management. The presence of bacteria can release toxins that disrupt the tear film and cause infection. A safe way to clean the eyelids often recommended by eye doctors is hypochlorous acid…

Dry Eye Supplement with Food

Eating whole, healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables, and omega-3’s. Omega-s’s can come in the form of ground flaxseed in my oatmeal in the morning or with supplements. I use EZ Tears, but I recommend speaking with your health professional about whether supplements are a good choice for you and which ones they recommend.

Nighttime Warm Compress

Adding a warm compress at night for at least 20 minutes is a great way to end your day and help manage your dry eyes. Find one that covers your entire eyes. The heat and moisture that comes from the Tranquileyes compresses I like to use helps to stabilize the salt content of your tears. I like the ones below, and I often end up falling asleep with them on! I’ve reviewed a lot of warm compresses on this channel, so if you want to learn more, check out my reviews. But do know that there are a lot of good ones on the market!

Warm Compresses for eyes
-Tranquileyes XL Kit
-TranquilEyes EyeCloud (the one I use at night)
-TranquilVibes Kit 👉

Warm Compress Reviews…

IMPORTANT: Be consistent! When incorporating treatments to manage your dry eyes, make sure you do these things everyday. Dry eye syndrome can be very complex and using dry eye treatments at home can help prevent symptoms from flaring up. These tips suggested by your doctor should be incorporated into your daily routine. Dry Eyes need to be managed, and trying out these tips for just a week or so won’t have the same results as doing them every day, consistently over time.

Note: Dry eye syndrome can be complicated by other forms of ocular surface disease and it is always best to consult with your local eye care professional if you are experiencing any eye pain or vision changes.

Disclaimer: This information is not meant for medical diagnosis or treatment. You should follow up with your local healthcare provider regarding all matters related to your health.

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Download the 7 Best Treatments for Dry Eyes