What your EYES say about your HEALTH!

I often hear people say that they “see just fine” and don’t need an eye exam, but the eyes can tell us a lot about heart health and overall health.

In a recent interview, I spoke with Dr. Dave D’Agate, a board certified cardiologist who is passionate about preventive medicine and shares his knowledge across multiple social platforms. We discussed what an eye exam can show your doctor about heart health.

With just a simple eye examination, your doctor is able to view your blood vessels in action. This can tell your doctor if you have high blood pressure, high cholesterol or even diabetes (plus much more).

What Can Your Eye Doctor Learn About Your Heart?
– Xanthelasma is the appearance of a yellow, fatty plaque that builds up around the eyelids. This is often a sign of high cholesterol, and your eye doctor will encourage you to get your cholestorol checked.

– Another sign of elevated cholesterol is the appearance of Arcus Senilis at a young age. Arcus Senilis, or “corneal arcus,” is where a whitish yellow or blue ring appears on the corneal limbus of the eye with age. This can be a sign of elevated high cholesterol when seen at a younger age.

– High Blood pressure and diabetic retinopathy are often found causing significant eye disease and retinal damage. Both of these may lead to retinal edema and blurred vision.

If you are experiencing any blurred vision, be sure to contact your local eye care professional. Managing your blood pressure, cholesterol and a good focus on heart healthy diets and exercise are important things to consider regarding your heart health.

You can learn more about heart health by connecting with Dr. Dave here: https://www.drdavedagate.com/

To catch a preview of the interview with Dr. Dave, check out the video below.​

Disclaimer: This information is not meant for medical diagnosis or treatment. You should follow up with your local healthcare provider regarding all matters related to your health.

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